The "F" Word: Foster Care
From Families' Anchor, join us as we navigate through the Child Welfare system. Hear stories from parents, Parent Navigators, service providers, attorneys, judges, the Department, family & friends, foster parents, and more. Come be part of the positive conversation and change of Child Welfare to a family well-being system.
The "F" Word: Foster Care
Mini: Parent Advice on Visitation
Families' Anchor
Season 1
Episode 5
We are excited to be back this week with a mini episode! Join our conversation as we discuss visitation. Advice during COVID-19, Zoom calls, in-person and home visitations. And how you can get the most out of them.
We welcome Case Managers, Social Workers, Attorneys, Service Providers to join this conversation! It's through awareness and conversations we find unity in Child Welfare!
Welcome to the conversation!
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Editing: Families' Anchor
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